Maintaining your health and fitness can be a challenge, especially when you're confined to a desk all day. That's why we've created a specialized library of exercises tailored specifically for office workers.
Target Specific Muscle Groups
Created by professional trainers
No Equipment Needed
Set notifications in your calendar app
Easy steps to maintaining health
Plan your workoutFit exercise into your day with easy-to-follow plans that work around your schedule
Choose muscle groupPick workouts for different muscles, from quick arm stretches to leg toning, all from your desk
Exercise for 5 minutesBoost your energy with 5-minute workouts designed to keep you fit even at your desk
Have any questions?Let’s schedule a call!
Frequently Asked Questions
How can i choose a Workout
First select a time (serial appointment or daily reminder). Then start take a BREAK via the calendar and select your category and off you go.
Which category should I choose?
That's up to you. Listen to what your body might need. You can choose a different category every day. There are different exercises in each category.
Can I choose a specific exercise or just the category?
You can only choose one category.
Are there several exercises per category?
Yes, there are several different exercises. The range is constantly being expanded.
Do I get the same exercise every day?
No. There are different exercises for each category, which are played one after the other in a specific order. The range of exercises is also constantly being expanded.
Does my "take a BREAK" exercise open automatically?
How do I start the exercise/play the video?
Click on the link in your calendar to start take a BREAK. Then select a category and start the workout.
Will I be filmed during the exercises/do I have to switch on my camera?
No! You will not be filmed during the exercises, your camera can remain switched off.
How can I pause an exercise?
As with any other video player, you can pause the video using the pause icon
Do I need sound to do the exercises?
You only need the sound for the exercise for the "Meditation" category. For all others, the image is sufficient.
Can I end an exercise as soon as it has finished?
Yes, you can end the exercise with "End workout".
Can i start a workout again later?
Yes, you can start take a BREAK anytime.
Can I save the exercises/videos and watch them again later?
No, unfortunately this is not possible. However, you can start take a BREAK at any time.
Do I need to bring/dress in sportswear?
No, you can do the exercise directly at your workplace in your work clothes.
Can my employer see what exercises I do?
No, your employer cannot see whether you are doing the exercises or not.